
The Executive has positively endorsed the legislative initiative regarding alternative child care services

The government approved on Wednesday the opinion on the draft law on alternative child care services, initiated by a group of deputies. These are child care services organized by the employer at the workplace, individualized care services and family-type child care services.

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The purpose of the legislative initiative is to provide care, upbringing, supervision and education services for children up to the age of 3 years by a qualified caregiver, while their parents or guardians are at work. Thus, according to the authors of the initiative, the access to the labor field of people with children under three years old will be increased and the employment rate of the able-bodied population will be increased. The draft law regulates the creation and operation of alternative child care services, the requirements, tasks and responsibilities of the providers of these services, the way they are carried out and their types, as well as the supervision and protection of the beneficiaries.

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