
"EU Talks" in Soroca: Young people from this municipality assaulted the EU ambassador in Chisinau with questions

The EU Talks project arrived in Soroca. During an event organised by the Delegation of the European Union in Chisinau to promote European values and principles, young people from this municipality have been asking questions to the EU ambassador in Chisinau, Jānis Mažeiks. The most interesting questions will be rewarded with a visit to the EU Embassy in Moldova.

The young people who came to the meeting with the EU ambassador in our country were eager to know the answers to their questions.

"What are the concrete steps and how can we, as young people, contribute to the facilitation of this accession and are there certain things, which we can do right now?";

"What actions is the EU doing to support and challenge and research youth education and what steps is the EU taking to support start-ups?".

They also wanted to know how the economy will change when Moldova becomes a member of the European Union or how to convince sceptics that our country belongs in the EU.

"The questions were many and varied, which shows their interest in everything related to the European Union and not only as beneficiaries. They also asked questions such as 'how can we contribute to our country's faster path in the EU?' And this came from different levels, i.e. from students, activists, people of the arts. I think this is a very good signal, for anyone who cares about the European vector and they are already mentally European", Ambassador Jānis Mažeiks noted.

After the meeting, the young people said they had received answers to their questions.

"I think that our integration as a state in the EU is very important, I think that the values promoted are very important for young, old and all age groups", says pupil Gabriela Rusu, member of "Euroclub".

"We learned new things and what we, young people, can do to join the EU, how we can promote values, how they support us and what projects and skills young people from Moldova will have in the future", says another student, Bogdan Leșan.

During his visit, Jānis Mažeiks visited the Soroca Fortress, and the local authorities presented him with a letter of gratitude for all the support he has given to the institutions in this district.

According to the organisers, the aim of the EU Talks project is to debate current issues such as the migration crisis, climate change and personal data protection. The EU Delegation in Chisinau organises such debates with young people in several districts of the country.

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