
Congestion at customs: many Moldovans living abroad return home for Easter holidays

With their bags full of goodies, Moldovans return home for Easter. These days, border crossing points are seeing a higher than usual flow of people. Yesterday, for example, the Costești customs post was crossed by almost two thousand people. Most come from France, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany and Russia.

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Rodica Țurcanu is originally from Briceni and has lived in France for many years. She came home by coach, covering a distance of 2,400 kilometres.

"I come from Paris, France. We have been settled with our family for six years. Now we come for Easter to our two sons and five grandchildren with gifts. I brought them shoes, sweets, clothes, whatever I can to make them happy," says the woman.

Other Moldovans who have gone abroad to work also say Easter is an opportunity to return home to see their loved ones.

"- How long has it been since you've been home and do you miss your loved ones? - Very much. I'll show you now. I think it will be speechless, clearly. Here are three little ones. Without words. I miss them very much."

"I'm coming from Russia, I'm coming home for the holidays, to be with my parents for Easter. I bought some toys, sweets, like all Moldovans who come from abroad, buy everything for their loved ones";

"I haven't been for a year. I come home like all Moldovans, on holidays. To see my mother, my relatives. We celebrate Easter, then we go back";

"Let's celebrate Easter in the bosom of the family. My wife, children, parents are waiting for me at home. A couple of little clothes, sweets... You know, like for kids. I think everyone who comes home brings sweets to the kids and presence."

And to make it easier to cross the border, Customs Service employees are taking several steps.

"If there is a major flow of crossings they supplement the crossing lanes, they supplement the number of employees. An individual is allowed to cross the border with goods worth up to 300 euros without paying import duties, and already if he has goods worth more than 300 euros - the person pays import duties", explains Radu Andronic, exchange officer at Costești Customs Post.

This year, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord on 16 April.

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