
Veaceslav Platon's money ended up on ARBI's accounts

Nearly 270 million lei, money belonging to controversial businessman Veaceslav Platon, has ended up in the treasury accounts of the Criminal Asset Recovery Agency.

According to the National Anti-Corruption Centre, the money is the proceeds of a sale-purchase transaction of shares in a commercial bank, which prosecutors had previously seized.

Veaceaslav Platon was sentenced in 2017 to 18 years in prison for allegedly illegally obtaining one billion lei from the Savings Bank.

Three years later, suspended prosecutor general Alexandr Stoianoglo said Platon was illegally convicted, only to later be released and acquitted in the "Bank Fraud" case.

In the summer of 2021, Veaceslav Platon fled the country, after which he was placed under international arrest. He is currently the subject of several criminal cases, accused of fraud on a particularly large scale and of forging bank cards.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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