
Maia Sandu announces a new program for the modernization of the Republic of Moldova - "European Village Express"

100 modernization projects have been completed under the "European Village" programme. At the same time, the Government will launch a new programme for the modernisation and Europeanisation of the Republic of Moldova - "European Village Express". The announcement was made by President Maia Sandu at a press briefing on Tuesday 25 April.

"I said in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova that we will work in a disciplined and coordinated way to modernise the infrastructure and improve the quality of life in Moldovan localities. This means bringing the European Union home, good living conditions for every citizen wherever they live. Natural things that people have been deprived of for decades, drinking water in the home, sewage, European roads, kindergartens and modern hospitals mean European Moldova", said Maia Sandu.

The head of state noted that almost 100 thousand people enjoy the effects of the "European Village" programme every day.

"More than 20 thousand people have gained access to drinking water and around 34 thousand enjoy public lighting. Every project carried out under the European Village programme means concrete changes, changes that make life better for many people, young people learning in better conditions, economic opportunities for those who want to work, elderly people who have normal living conditions, families who feel comfortable where they live and no longer feel the need to leave home", said Maia Sandu.

At the same time, due to the requests from the people in the localities she visited, the decision was taken to launch the "European Village Express" programme, under which infrastructure improvement projects will be implemented on an express basis and with fewer financial resources than large-scale projects.

The programme is to be launched by the Government in the next period.

Maia Sandu noted that the new programme must meet the following conditions:

To allow localities to implement projects quickly, with a completion deadline of no more than 6 months, and to solve the urgent needs of localities; To simplify the procedure for submitting projects to the competition;

"Our people are welcoming and housewife-friendly. We know how to take care of our homes and develop our locality, but we need financial resources to do this as well as possible. By creating the national "European Village" programme and launching the European Village Express programme we will contribute to building a European Moldova, we will build Europe, here at home. (...) village by village, Europe will reach our homes", said Maia Sandu.

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