
MP Marina Tauber placed under house arrest for 20 days

MP Marina Tauber has been placed under house arrest for 20 days, starting May 1, after being detained at Chisinau International Airport. A decision to this effect was taken this evening by the magistrates of the Chisinau Ciocana Court. The measure was applied following the prosecutors' request to replace the preventive measure of judicial control with house arrest.

Marina Tauber describes the decision as a political one and says that she will not be able to participate in the electoral campaign in ATU Gagauzia for the next two weeks.

Before the decision, the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, Veronica Dragalin, said in a briefing that the MP had intended to leave for Israel after being informed that the prosecutors had requested that the preventive measure be changed from provisional release under judicial control to preventive detention.

At the same time, the prosecutors in the case claim that they presented evidence and clear evidence in court today indicating that the MP would have violated the restrictive measures imposed by the national courts between November 2022 and April 2023.

Marina Tauber was detained at Chisinau International Airport on Monday morning while trying to fly to Tel Aviv via Istanbul. Subsequently, the defendant's lawyer, Aureliu Colenco, stated that Marina Tauber's detention was illegal. Marina Tauber is charged on two counts - knowingly accepting party funding from an organised criminal group and falsifying the Sor Party's financial management report.

On 5 January this year, the Chisinau Court of Appeal upheld Marina Tauber's provisional release under judicial control, ordering her not to leave her place of residence, not to communicate with persons connected with the criminal proceedings and to surrender her passport to the judge appointed as investigating judge.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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