
Republic of Moldova sends equipment to Ukraine for reconstruction of electricity grids

The Republic of Moldova sends equipment worth over 2.36 million lei to Ukraine. The decision was taken today by the Government. Energy Minister Victor Parlicov said the request was made by the Kiev authorities.

The humanitarian consignment provided by our country contains equipment and supplies for the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of damaged power grids in the neighbouring state. "Moldelectrica" and "RED-Nord" will be responsible for releasing the goods, and the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations - for transporting them to Ukraine.

"The reality we live in today is largely due to the resistance of Ukrainians to the Russian invasion. So it is a gesture of good neighbourliness and solidarity with Ukraine to grant them support from the little we have from state-owned enterprises, RED Nord and Moldelectrica to grant some equipment from the list that the Ukrainian side requested in the amount of 2,365,000 lei," Victor Parlicov said, without specifying what kind of equipment it is.

Financial resources amounting to about 280 thousand lei will also be allocated from the Government Reserve Fund to cover transport expenses, assigned to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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