
The Government has started the denunciation of the Agreements signed between the Republic of Moldova and the CIS

The Government of the Republic of Moldova has started the process of inventorying the Agreements signed between our country and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Two draft Decisions on the denunciation of two Agreements were included on the agenda of the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

These are the Agreement on the exchange of information on the protection of the external borders of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, concluded in Moscow on 12 April 1996.

"It follows that the exercise of inventorying the agreements signed between the Republic of Moldova and the CIS has already been launched. It is the first of a package of several agreements that we will come up with in the near future," said Interior Minister Ana Revenco.

"Unfortunately, the CIS has not delivered for the Republic of Moldova. We have not been able to solve the Transnistrian conflict, we still have the Russian army illegally stationed in the Republic of Moldova, we have not been protected from various economic embargoes and we have always had vulnerabilities and uncertainties in the energy system and sometimes even in the middle of the cold season or winter. Now the Government, as you know, is expected to increase the pace of analysis in this area, as we have also discussed at the operational meeting, to have an inventory of all these agreements, we have about 400 in number", said Prime Minister Dorin Recean, at the beginning of the Government meeting.

On Monday, 15 May, the Speaker of Parliament Igor Grosu announced that Moldova is withdrawing from the agreement on the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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