
Romania will continue to implement the projects necessary to interconnect the natural gas and electricity networks of Romania and the Republic of Moldova

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on the continuation of the projects necessary for the interconnection of the natural gas and electricity networks of Romania and the Republic of Moldova has been adopted on the proposal of the Ministry of Energy.

Radio Chișinău
Sursa: Radio Chișinău

Romania has been and will continue to remain a supporter of the strengthening of the energy security of the Republic of Moldova, through its contribution to efforts to diversify sources and supply routes, says a press release issued by the Ministry of Energy of Romania.

Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said that in fact things will not stop there. The Memorandum signed today will start "a new stage of cooperation within the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the Republic of Moldova".

"Cooperation is essential for strengthening energy security and independence. Romania has been, is and will be a supporter of the Republic of Moldova through the implementation of concrete projects. An example is the operationalization of the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau Interconnector (completed in 2021) and the connection of the Republic of Moldova's electricity system to the continental grid, strongly supported by Romania in European forums."

Cooperation between the two countries will thus focus on other concrete projects.

In the field of natural gas:

Complementary works to the Iasi - Ungheni - Chisinau interconnection, which will ensure the flow and pressure regimes for the flow of natural gas in both directions, respectively:

  1. analysis of the possibility of increasing the transmission capacity of the Iasi - Ungheni interconnection;
  2. the extension of the Iasi - Ungheni - Chisinau gas pipeline through the construction of a gas transmission pipeline - Chisinau Belt. The works should be completed by the end of 2031.

In electricity:

  1. Implementation of the project Interconnection of the electricity systems of Romania and the Republic of Moldova through the construction of the strategically important investment objective 400 kV Suceava - Balti overhead power line, extension of the 400 kV Suceava station and 400 kV Balti station;
  2. harmonisation of the primary and secondary legislation of their countries on the tax and customs regime in matters relating to electricity market rules;
  3. the implementation of the communication interconnection on the existing 110 kV Huși - Cioara power line;


  1. to carry out a joint system study to identify the best solution for the realisation of the third interconnection power line at 400 kV voltage level between Romania and the Republic of Moldova;
  2. taking over Moldelectrica S.S. in the regulation block of C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica S.A., within the ENTSO-E interconnection, respectively integrating Moldelectrica S.S. in the Balancing Market managed by C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica S.A.;
  3. the coupling of the centralised electricity markets in the Republic of Moldova with those organised by the designated electricity market operator in Romania, Opcom S.A.

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