
"European Moldova" // Maia Sandu at the National Assembly: we came to say clearly - Moldova's place is in the EU

Moldovan President Maia Sandu greeted thousands of citizens gathered today at the National Assembly in Chisinau and other European cities. The head of state said that today the voice of the people of the Republic of Moldova is a common one. "We have come to say loudly, confidently and proudly - Moldovans are Europeans! Moldova's place is in the European Union," said Maia Sandu.

"Dear Moldovans, gathered in the Great National Assembly Square, gathered in the capitals of the world, I am glad to be so many of us together today.

I greet with love those from the North of Moldova to the South. I greet with love those from the centre of Moldova.

I welcome Mrs. Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, and all the partners of our country, who came with us to confirm the support of European countries for the path chosen by Moldova - the European path.

I know that our citizens from Milan, Paris, Rome, London, Madrid, Bucharest, Padua, Vienna, Barcelona and Budapest are now with us. Those in the diaspora, those with whose help our country has managed to cope with its problems and difficulties. And those who stayed at home despite all the hardships, all the people who have kept Moldova upright and dignified all these more than 30 years.

Wherever you are now, our voice today is a common one. We have come to say loudly, confidently and proudly - Moldovans are Europeans! Moldova belongs in the European Union.

Our country project and our goal is for Moldova to be a full member of the European family by 2030. This is not just my commitment. We have the support of the European Union on this road. And this is what the people of the Republic of Moldova demand.

They asked for it every time they took to the streets to defend their rights, they asked for it in the elections, they are asking for it now that, once again, we have come together to decide the fate of Moldova.

Europe is more than a political slogan, Europe is a way of life, a dream that must become reality and is the chance for our people to live in peace, tranquillity and prosperity. This dream depends on each and every one of us.

It seems like a long road, it is a road of great efforts, a necessary work of the whole society, but it is the only road that will ensure that the future of our children is in peace and well-being.

This dream was built by our grandparents and parents, who 34 years ago, on 27 August, claimed the right to freedom, national unity and a European future. It is our duty to realise this dream, for we are a people of faith, hardworking and worthy. Now is the time.

What our children's future will look like in 7 years' time is up to each and every one of us. It depends on the choices we make and our actions every day. It depends on state institutions - to become strong, independent, capable of defending Moldova's interest.

But it also depends on the will and behaviour of each citizen. No one can stand in the way of our development if we all move towards the European Union, because the master of our house is the people.

Moldova must be a member of the European Union. Moldovans must be European not only in values, as we are today, but also in deeds.

For 34 years they have tried to block our future, to divide us, to keep us in poverty, to blackmail us, they wanted us to be dependent, they wanted us to freeze, to fall. But we resisted!

We are resisting. In 34 years we have resisted despite all the obstacles. We have remained a country of free people, a democratic country, a country that deserves its place in the European Union.

We are dignified people, we say what we want and we are firm in our decisions concerning our country. This is what our fathers wanted, and all those who defended Moldova through sacrifice and with their heads held high.

Today, achieving this aspiration is more possible than ever. We have a duty to work so that all the children of Moldova are happy, and those born today go to the first grade as European citizens.

Young people who start medical school today must be doctors in a European country.

Farmers who plant a walnut orchard today will reap the first rich fruit in a European country. And they will have a large and stable European market for Moldovan produce.

We want the entrepreneurs who open businesses today to turn them into modern, competitive European companies and create even more jobs at home.

European Moldova means that we must build truly European state institutions that serve only the citizen, protect and work in the national interest whoever is in power. Teachers, doctors, policemen, all public sector employees will become European civil servants - respected by citizens and rewarded on merit.

All of us gathered here in the Grand National Assembly Square come from our localities, from our community that we care about. Nobody knows better than us that a European future means developed, developed villages and towns.

We have launched the European Village Programme. In just one year we have completed 100 projects and the people of these villages now have clean drinking water, modern kindergartens and schools, quality roads and street lighting. In the next few years we need to go from village to village and bring Europe to all our villages.

For our elderly, the retired, waiting means the most. But our parents and grandparents know what it means to work patiently because that is the only way to enjoy lasting results. They want their grandchildren to learn in European schools, they want their grandchildren and children to retire in a European country and all their lifelong sacrifice not to have been in vain.

Diaspora is not just about longing and separation. Diaspora means Moldovans who help their family, their hometown and their country, those who come home, invest and open jobs. Moldovans who have left know what Europe means, they know how Europe works and they want their country to be a European state as soon as possible.

We want those who are in the diaspora today to be able to come home more often, much more often, or to come home at all - because home will be the European Union.

Turning Moldova into a European state is a journey at the end of which we can be proud of having made the right choice. It is not an easy road, but not because it is difficult or easy that Moldovans have chosen it.

We chose it because it is the only chance for Moldova to develop. It is the road that we, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, have chosen so that our country will NOT be on the edge of Europe, will NOT live in Russian blackmail, poverty and corruption.

European Moldova is Moldova where all its citizens have a place. Where everyone realizes their potential freely, without being demeaned, harassed. We are all still on this palm of land dear to our hearts.

We have a common mission to make Moldova richer and more modern. And this lies in the power of each of us. Let us look upon our country with pride. I hear how foreigners praise us, I hear words of appreciation for Moldovans and Moldova. And at home I hear how Moldovans criticise each other.

We are neither the best nor the worst. We should not be ashamed, but neither should we exaggerate our merits. I want us to appreciate ourselves for what we are.

We have much to be appreciated for - we are a people of humanity, we value justice, and we are bound together by the strength of community and people who have experienced hardship and joy together.

We know how to be hospitable, but we also know how to put our foot down when our dignity is violated. We jump in to help when needed and share with our brothers and sisters. We know all these things, they mean Moldova. With them, we will enrich and strengthen Europe.

And I would like to change the way we see Moldova. Let's respect each other, let's be better to each other. Those with possibilities to help those who need support. The wealthy to contribute to the development of the villages where they were born. Let's find a way to communicate with the younger generation and work together for the good of all.

I want us to have confidence and faith in what we do. All of you gathered here today, all of you who are watching and have your hearts with us, you are good, hardworking people - believe in what you are doing. Let's move forward together!

The history of Moldova is one of resistance. After a period of resistance, the coming years will be about our transformation into a European state equal to the most developed states of the world. Moldova is rising. Moldovans are uniting. Together we will build a European Moldova to be proud of.

The divisions of the past must end. Now is the time to put aside the things that differentiate us and ask ourselves what are the things that unite us.

What unites us is our common desire to live freely in a European state. What unites us is the belief that Moldovans deserve to be happy at home and to decide their own fate. We are united by the hope that in 7 years' time we will look into the eyes of Moldova's children proud of our decisions and see optimism and joy.

If these are the things that unite us all, regardless of ethnicity, mother tongue or political ideology, Moldova will certainly be in the European Union. EU membership means that we will be respected and our independence and democracy will be protected.

The European Union does not question that the only masters in Moldova are the Moldovans. The European Union supports everyone's right to freedom of expression and life. The European Union supports the freedom of the people to choose their own destiny.

European Moldova means a Moldova with strong and reliable friends who will not leave us alone in the face of aggressors who bring wars and kill people. We can only be safe together with the European family.

War is far from Moldovans' homes today because Ukrainians are fighting heroically and giving their lives for their land and their nation. This war shows us clearly that we no longer want to be blackmailed by the Kremlin.

We want to keep our country and our children away from the danger of war. Only by being members of the European Union will we NOT be alone and have the guarantee of security and peace for Moldovans.

Moldova has hardly broken away from the past where it depended too much on the Kremlin and now looks proudly towards a European future. Moldovans know how to make the difference and the right choice, because there is no family in Moldova that does not have children, siblings, grandchildren in the European Union.

We know from our own experience that well-being and peace are to be found in Europe. We Moldovans have experienced both realities and have decided what we want for our country. Moldova will join the European Union and this must happen by 2030."

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