
Romania will assist the Republic of Moldova in the process of excluding roaming tariffs in the European Union

Romania will provide assistance in the process of excluding roaming tariffs in the European Union for Moldovans. This was discussed by Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spînu with the President of the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications in Romania, Vlad Stoica.

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"The experts from Bucharest are delegates in the European structures in the field of communications and they assured us that we will benefit from the assistance of the working groups and the expertise they possess, so that our country can face these changes both from a technical and legislative viewpoints", stated Spînu. The elimination of roaming charges between the Republic of Moldova and the member states of the European community has been discussed for a long time, and recently the MEPs sent a message to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in which they requested the exclusion of the charges. Later, the diplomacy from Chisinau welcomed the initiative.

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