
Moldova government to approve digital transformation strategy

The approval of the Republic of Moldova's digital transformation strategy for 2023-2030, as well as the allocation of financial resources to increase the authorised capital of the State Enterprise "Calea Ferată din Moldova" (Railways of Moldova), are among the 23 items on the agenda of the government meeting tomorrow, which will begin at 10:00 a.m.

Sursa: publika.md

In addition, ministers will consider a draft decision on the approval of a draft law on Moldova's accession to the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, adopted in Paris on November 25, 2019, as well as a draft decision on the exchange of land for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant.

A draft decision on the redistribution and allocation of some allocations approved in the State Budget Law for 2023 is another item on the agenda of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In addition, several agreements concluded on the CIS platform are to be denounced.

These agreements include the agreement on the order of use of the radio frequency spectrum and the provision of electromagnetic compatibility of the most important radioelectronic means in the interests of the security of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed in Tashkent on May 15, 1992, and the Decision of the Council of Heads of Governments of CIS Member States on the provision of electromagnetic compatibility of the most important radioelectronic means of CIS member states, signed in Moscow on December 9, 1994.

Another agreement to be denounced concerns the mode of creation and operation of branches of higher education institutions in CIS member states, signed in Moscow on September 28, 2001.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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