
Inflation index in the Republic of Moldova has been decreasing recently

According to official data, the prices of vegetables and fruits, in October, increased by more than 9% compared to the same period last year. Dairy products are more expensive by almost six percent, and bread by more than 4%. However, a discount of more than 19 percent was recorded for vegetable oil.

Food products rose last month by just over 4%. Compared to October last year, footwear rose in price by seven percent, and clothing by almost 6%. The price of construction materials increased by four percent, and of medicines by 1.5%.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, inflation has affected the service sector the most. More precisely, central heating went up by almost 54 percent and passenger transport by almost a quarter. Also, compared to October 2022, we pay more than 21% for water and sewage, and more than eight percent for public food.

According to the forecast of the National Bank, towards the end of the year, the annual inflation will be around 5% and this level will be maintained in the next two years.

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