
Holiday border boom strains capacity

Moldovans returning home for the holidays encountered significant delays at the Albița-Leușeni border crossing this weekend, with traffic volumes nearly doubling compared to normal.

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Sursa: iconic image

The surge, attributed to the festive season, resulted in extended wait times for thousands of travellers.

Increased Demand, Strained Capacity

Border authorities processed approximately 14,000 passengers within a 24-hour period, a considerable jump from the typical daily average of 8,000. The influx, primarily consisting of families eager to reunite for the holidays, overwhelmed existing checkpoint capacity, leading to queues stretching for kilometres.

"We spent three hours in customs," shared one family returning from Italy. "It's tough on the kids, especially with the long journey already."

Measures to Mitigate Congestion

Recognizing the strain on travellers, border officials implemented measures to expedite processing and alleviate congestion. Additional control lanes were opened, and personnel at the checkpoint were temporarily increased.

"The Border Police is committed to facilitating a smooth passage for all travellers," stated Sergiu Barbacari, deputy head of the Western Regional Border Police. "We are closely monitoring traffic flow and deploying resources strategically to address the increased demand."

Alternative Routes Recommended

While the Albița-Leușeni crossing experienced the most significant delays, neighbouring checkpoints like Leușeni reported comparatively smoother traffic flow. Officials encouraged travellers to consider alternative routes, such as Leova-Bumbăta and Costești-Stânca, to avoid extended wait times at Albița.

Anticipated Surge Continues

With the holiday season in full swing, the influx at Albița is expected to persist. Travellers are advised to factor in potential delays when planning their journeys and consider alternative routes if possible. Real-time traffic updates and official border crossing information can help travellers make informed decisions and navigate the festive homecoming with minimal inconvenience.

Translation by Iuie Tataru

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