
State of emergency in education ended! The CSE canceled the decision of Chisinau authorities

No more state of emergency in education! The Commission for Emergency Situations at the national level canceled the decision of Chisinau authorities, according to which parents must pay if they want to enroll their children in extra hours. The announcement was made by the Minister of Education, Dan Perciun, who also mentioned that the municipality's decisions are illegal, and those who adopted them exceeded their duties.

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"The basis for the cancellation of these decisions is the abuse of power of the Chisinau Commission for Emergency Situations, or this commission in principle does not have such powers, it cannot declare an emergency state in the educational system, it cannot cancel ministerial orders, respectively, from our point of view, which what happened is an obvious abuse of the duties of the people who made this decision, and we will address, including to the competent bodies, to evaluate and sanction those who are guilty of abuse of power", said the Minister of Education and Research, Dan Perciun.

Last week, the Commission for Emergency Situations of the Chisinau municipality made a decision regarding the organization and operation of groups with an extended program in primary and secondary education institutions, in the context of an unapproved municipal budget. They were to activate based on a provisional regulation, which provided for monthly costs between 360 and 690 lei, depending on the number of hours, for the activity of the extended program.

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