
864 refugee students from Ukraine are enrolled in schools in Chisinau

864 students from Ukraine are enrolled in educational institutions in Chisinau, and 270 children attend kindergartens. The data were presented by the deputy-mayor Angela Cutasevici on the "In Siguranță" podcast.

"Starting with February 24, 2022, Chisinau has become a second home for many refugees from Ukraine. Currently, in the municipal educational system we have 864 children from Ukraine enrolled, in kindergartens we have 270 children. This large number is a responsibility for us because we have to ensure a safe place for them in municipal schools and kindergartens. That's why, we make efforts to cover all requests that parents make. If there is no place in a school or kindergarten, we recommend the nearest institution. Children need peers and communication, that's why it's our duty to help this category of beneficiaries", said Cutasevici.

The vice mayor of Chisinau said that by offering educational services, the authorities ensure the community inclusion of refugees and offer them the support they need. Angela Cutasevici said that there are many refugees in the non-formal system as well, as many of the children learn online.

"We also have many refugees in the non-formal system, because there are many who learn online. Respectively, cumulatively since the beginning of the war, we had over 2000 children who benefited from all types of non-formal services, such as libraries, day care centers, extracurricular centers, camps. There are also day care centers for children that were opened in 2022. Parents with pedagogical studies were recruited and employed in the centers".

The Border Police states that, in the last 24 hours, 10,751 Ukrainians crossed the state border, of which 5,522 were on the way to the Republic of Moldova. Also, the number of 1,384 constituted the crossings of Ukrainian minors.

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