
Maia Sandu, on the process of evaluation of the degree of compliance of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova with that of the EU: This is a crucial step in our journey

President Maia Sandu welcomes the beginning of the process of evaluating the level of legislation compliance of the Republic of Moldova with that of the European Union. The head of state stated that this exercise is a crucial step for our country's EU accession talks.

"Today, in Brussels, Moldova began the screening process to assess how well our laws align with EU standards. This exercise sets the stage for accession talks, marking a crucial step on our journey towards eventual EU membership. I'm looking forward to the next progress," wrote Maia Sandu on the X platform.

We remind you that yesterday, in Brussels, the process of evaluating the degree of compliance of the national legislation with that of the EU was started. The government team from Chisinau met the representatives of the European Commission, with whom they will work during the negotiation process. Also, the calendar and procedural details of the assessment stage of national legislation compliance with the Community acquis were agreed.

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