
Corruption Alleged in Prosecutor Contest

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has opened a criminal investigation into the failed competition for the position of Prosecutor General.

The announcement was made by PA chief Veronica Drăgălin at a press conference. According to her, the subjects of this investigation are the members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP), as well as the candidates who participated in the competition.

"The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has acted independently, and a report has been filed detailing the circumstances found. The opening of this criminal case will allow us to examine how this competition took place and to reach appropriate solutions. The subjects within the jurisdiction of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office include the members of the CSP. The PA has the competence to investigate abuse, negligence in service, or the attempt to influence someone through pressure or corruption. Within this process, it will be established whether to proceed to another phase of opening a file or not. I have decided to personally lead this investigation. I don't want to put a subordinate of mine in the position of investigating such a sensitive case. This criminal process could target CSP members, as well as candidates for the competition," said Veronica Dragalin.

The head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office specified that any information of public interest regarding the cancellation of the competition for the position of Prosecutor General will be published, although this is prohibited.

"I made this decision without consulting anyone and I want it to be very clear that there will be absolutely no tolerance for interference in this process. I will not accept any attempt to influence me. Each message I receive will be logged to document any attempts at influence. If anyone has information relevant to the examination of this criminal process, please send the information in written format addressed to the PA. The outcome of this criminal case must be approved within 45 days. I take it upon myself to publish this information, even if it is prohibited."

CSP members decided on Wednesday, February 28, during the meeting to publish the sheets with notes and the score accumulated by the candidates. Following the scoring, the CSP president announced that the competition for the position of Prosecutor General was cancelled, and the results were revoked on the grounds that some notes were given without argument and with a clear discrepancy.

Also, the CSP president, Dumitru Obadă, specified that another competition will be organised.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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