
Igor Grosu leaves for Vienna. He will participate in a Conference of Parliament Speakers

The Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu, participates in the Conference of the Parliament Speakers of the Member States of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. The meeting takes place in Vienna, between March 18-20 and is hosted by the Austrian Parliament.

According to the Legislative, the discussions held by the Parliament Speakers will be framed in three panels: security in the Danube region, education for democracy, the Danube region as a cultural, natural and scientific space. At the end of the debates, a joint declaration will be adopted.

In the margin of the meeting, the speaker Igor Grosu will have meetings with his counterparts from Austria, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovenia. Traditionally, Igor Grosu will also meet with Moldovans who live, study or work in Austria.

The parliamentary delegation that will accompany the Parliament Speaker to the meeting includes the president of the Social Protection, Health and Family Commission, the president of the Friendship Group with the Republic of Austria, Adrian Belîi, the president of the Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sports and Mass Media Commission , Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei and the vice-president of the Foreign Policy and European Integration Commission, Ion Groza.

The strategy of the European Union for the Danube region aims to develop the economic potential and to improve the environmental conditions of the region.

Also, it encourages long-term cooperation, both between local and regional authorities, as well as between authorities, the private sector and NGOs, by generating projects for the development of the region. 14 countries have signed the European Union Strategy for the Danube region.

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