
Searches at four meat importing and trading companies

The law enforcement officers carried out raids on four meat import and marketing companies, which would endanger the health of buyers, in which cold stores with 480 tons of meat were targeted.

Following the takedowns, accounting records and electronic devices were seized. The samples will be attached to the expertise requested from the National Food Safety Agency and the Center for Applied Metrology and Certification, which took samples from the meat lots.

Representatives of the four companies will be questioned for allegedly acting as part of an organised criminal group and deliberately selling dangerous products to customers.

Moldova 1 reminds its viewers that, on Tuesday, officers of the National Investigation Inspectorate, together with PCCOCS prosecutors, searched the headquarters of four companies of the same owner, selling most of the meat imports to the Republic of Moldova. The actions are due to control purchases confirming that the goods placed for sale were infected with bacteria.

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