
Moldova: Skills Camp Empowers Youth for Jobs

Thirty young job seekers from Chișinău are participating in a vocational guidance camp.

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The three-day program will equip them with essential skills through sports activities designed to foster teamwork and discipline. Participants will also receive career guidance and assistance with finding employment.

The first day of the camp kicked off with sports activities led by a coach from North Macedonia.

Many participants acknowledged the challenges they face in securing employment.

One participant, quoted anonymously, expressed their desire for self-discovery and a willingness to explore new experiences, even outside their comfort zone. They highlighted the difficulty of sports but emphasised their aim to relax and embrace new opportunities.

Another participant, a 23-year-old seeking a career in social work, acknowledged their limited work experience but expressed a strong desire to gain a foothold in the field.

Nicoleta Adam, a young woman with visual impairments, attended the camp to network and advocate for her desire to secure employment. She acknowledged the stigma and employer apprehension surrounding hiring visually impaired individuals, regardless of the field.

The camp participants range in age from 16 to 24. The program includes training sessions on job opportunities, CV writing, interview techniques, and vocational assessments.

"Through participation in these sports activities, the young people will gain valuable lessons in teamwork, empathy, tolerance, active listening, and embracing challenges," said Veronica Boboc, president of the Media Center for Young People.

"This project, titled 'Promoting Youth Employment in the Republic of Moldova,' is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and the German International Cooperation Agency. The project's total value is 3.8 million euros," said Rolf Peter, the project manager.

The vocational guidance camp is part of this German government-funded initiative. The program aims to support unemployed and out-of-school youth under the age of 29 in finding decent employment opportunities within Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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