
Russian Federation attempts to undermine the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova, US official

Another American official warns and claims that Russia wants to undermine democratic processes, including the elections in the Republic of Moldova. The director for Europe at the US National Security Council, Michael Carpenter, said in a press conference that a proof of this is the recent numerous disinformation actions, aimed at influencing public perception. Carpenter also noted that the U.S. stands with our country to support the integrity of this fall's elections.

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"In fact, Moldova is facing a series of challenges in these elections. The United States is committed to supporting the integrity of elections in Moldova. It seems quite obvious over the last few months that there are a number of external efforts to influence the election polls and relevant evidence of various operations, including information operations, perhaps cyber and other operations to try to influence online public perception before of these elections. I would not rule out other forms of manipulation, such as attempted illegal money operations," said Michael Carpenter.

We remind you that last week, the coordinator of the global engagement center of the US State Department, James Rubin, said that the Russian Federation is preparing destabilization and other measures to influence the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova and that Moscow will use its secret services such as the FSB and the GRU , including to divide society, cause tensions and protests. It was happening a few days after the Governments of the United States, Canada and Great Britain published a joint statement in which they spoke out against Russia's interference in the democratic processes in the Republic of Moldova.

The statement stated that Moscow would try, among other things, to provoke protests if the election was not won by a pro-Russian candidate. The three states reiterated their support for the Republic of Moldova and warned Moscow that its attempts to interfere and undermine democratic processes will not be tolerated.

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