
Igor Grosu: The Kremlin's attempts to destabilize things in the Republic of Moldova will persist

The Russian Federation does not realize the fact that the Republic of Moldova is a European state, which wants to introduce in the Constitution very clearly: European integration is the only and correct democratic decision of the citizens. This is what the Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu, said on TVR Moldova. According to the official, attempts by Russia will continue even after our country becomes a EU member.

Sursa: parlament.md

"The Kremlin's attempts to destabilize, to influence things in the wrong direction in the Republic of Moldova, will persist. Look at what is happening in already EU member states. It is good for us to understand this, not to relax in the sense that the Kremlin respects the sovereign decision of the population. Unfortunately, they do not respect us as a state, that is my opinion. If it were respected, their invasion of Ukraine would not have happened, we would not have had an illegal army on our territory and there would not have been no other frozen conflicts in the former republics of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan", said Igor Grosu.

We remind you that the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine received in December 2023, at an EU Summit, the acceptance to start accession negotiations.

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