
Today is the last day of campaigning for the presidential elections and referendum

Friday, October 18, is the last day on which campaigning actions are allowed for the presidential elections and referendum that will take place this Sunday. On Saturday, but also on election day, campaigning is prohibited.

Thus, today is the last day when it is allowed to carry out and reflect the activities or materials in terms of campaigning and the appearance of candidates in elections on TV or Radio broadcasts.

Likewise, the broadcasters and distributors of advertising must remove all the electoral display and other electoral advertising materials, with the exception of the materials developed by the electoral bodies.

Campaigning on election day and the previous day constitutes an administrative offence and is punishable. In the case of individuals, a fine of 40 to 60 conventional units is applied, and in the case of legal entities – a fine of 100 to 150 conventional units.

On October 20, the Republic of Moldova will hold presidential elections and the republican constitutional referendum, in which citizens will answer the question: "Do you support the amendment of the Constitution with a view to the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union?".

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