
OPINIONS//Nicolae Negru: Resignation of Natalya Gavrilița - "a calculated and directed political strategy"

Natalya Gavrilița's resignation as Prime Minister of Moldova was a political strategy, political commentator Nicolae Negru told the news bulletin "Mesager". Moreover, the expert claims that this resignation is a "calculated and directed" event by the current power in Chisinau.

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"From my point of view, the decisive factor was a political one, of political calculation. A certain stage has been reached: the Republic of Moldova has become a candidate for accession to the European Union, the worst moments of the energy and economic crisis, this inflation have passed. Now things are going well, inflation is falling, but political arithmetic says that at a certain point, in order to give dissatisfied people the satisfaction they deserve, you have to make some sacrifices. It's a political strategy," political commentator Nicolae Negru said.

Although the government led by Prime Minister Natalya Gavrilița has been a good one and has coped with the crises that Moldova has faced during this period, one of the major problems it has faced has been poor communication, the political expert believes.

"It is true that a lot of work was done against this government. It is also true that there were ministers in the Government who did not have the necessary experience and there was also this problem of communication, that they did not communicate effectively with the citizens. (...) I saw that at the press conference Natalya Gavrilita presented a list of achievements and they are impressive. But there is another external factor, certain forces and special services were trying to destabilize the situation in Moldova, launching all kinds of manipulations, misinformation, hysterizing society, putting on Natalya Gavrilița's shoulders burdens or blames that did not belong to her", Nicolae Negru said.

According to the expert, Natalya Gavrilița's resignation from the post of Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova was decided and prepared by the current power in Chisinau. According to him, the appointment of a new government should take place shortly.

"I think this step was calculated. It is a directed change. I saw that the parliamentary majority also said they would support Dorin Recean. I haven't seen conflicts break out within the party. Natalya Gavrilița remains with the party, it is not an angry departure, which suggests that this change will happen quickly and maybe the new government will take into account what Natalya Gavrilița did not do. First and foremost communication", the political expert concluded.

Prime Minister Natalya Gavrilița announced her resignation on Friday 10 February, after almost a year and a half in office. The same day, President Maia Sandu nominated Dorin Recean as candidate for Prime Minister.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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