
20 schools from Hîncești and Anenii Noi districts received 400 laptops as a gift

A number of 400 laptops were donated by an international non-governmental organization to 20 educational institutions in Hîncești and Anenii Noi districts. The project aims to reduce the digital inequality of young people who want to develop in the IT field starting from primary grades.

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"This donation is a very big contribution, because now we live in the IT era, children and not only children, but also adults need to be informed, and to value information technologies as much as possible", says the director of the gymnasium in the village of Şerpeni. "The provision of laptops is a very important segment for our institution in order to develop digital education among students. This thing is very interesting because we don't have technology in the room", mentions the director of the Lyceum in Anenii Noi, Eugeniu Margine. "And now I'm sure that in this digital speed that is developing tremendously, the donation is welcome, even more so for the primary classes that have digital education", says the director of the "Ștefan el Mare" Gymnasium in the village of Mihailovca, Larisa Arhire. The representatives of the donor organization say that such actions are extremely important for the digitalization process of schools. "For us it is very important that all children, students, young people have access to as many digital tools as possible, to be able to secure their accounts, to be able to make an online transfer, to be able to make an e-mail", says the president YMCA Moldova, Dumitru Roibu. The 20 educational institutions in the Hîncești and Anenii Noi districts received 20 laptops each from the donors for the modernization of the IT rooms.

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