
Mihail Sharan - detained by law enforcement officers. See where the businessman accused of fraud was hiding

The founder of a furniture manufacturing company accused of leaving customers without furniture and money, Mihai Șaran, has been arrested by law enforcement officials after he escaped from the Chisinau court seven days ago. Law enforcement officials say Șaran has been hiding in an abandoned house in Durlești.

"Following special investigative measures, the founder of "Bismobil Kitchen", Mihail Șaran, was detained a short time ago by employees of the National Investigation Inspectorate of the IGP, in an abandoned house in the locality of Durlești," law enforcement officials announce, saying that they will provide further details later.

Mihai Saran, accused of swindling, escaped from the Ciocana Court in Chisinau on 7 March. The incident happened before the decision to replace the preventive measure of house arrest with 30 days of preventive detention, requested by the police, was handed down after the man violated the restrictions and communicated with several figures in his case. He allegedly removed his GPS bracelet and fled in an unknown direction using his lawyer's car, law enforcement officials said at the time.

The businessman was detained on 19 January at Chisinau airport as he was about to leave Moldova. He was carrying a one-way ticket to Moscow, Russia. Subsequently, at the request of PCCOCS prosecutors, he was placed under pre-trial detention and shortly afterwards under house arrest.

The case includes 158 criminal episodes and concerns a fraud coordinated by him and other third parties. According to the PCCOCS, at this stage of the investigation, the estimated damage amounts to almost 40 million lei, with 158 victims in the Republic of Moldova.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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