
Many Ukrainian refugees sheltered in the Republic of Moldova start their lives anew

To date, nearly 12,900 Moldovan families hosting refugees from Ukraine have received financial aid from the World Food Program. The money comes to support those who have opened their doors to families fleeing war. One of them is the Guțu family from Hrușova village, Criuleni district, who have been sharing their house with Ukrainian citizens since March.

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The members of the Strebitsky family from the city of Nikolaev are among the thousands of Ukrainian refugees who are sheltered in our country. Victor Strebițki needed two days to arrive together with his two children and a puppy, at the border of Ukraine with the Republic of Moldova. For more than nine months, the family has been living in the village of Hrușova. "The way to the Republic of Moldova was very difficult. Both psychologically and physically. In Ukraine, our house was close to the sea and we miss that landscape a lot. We feel good here too, in the summer we went to Vadul lui Vodă with the children. It's not what we have at home, but we try to adapt. Every day I still help with the household chores", says Victor Strebițki. For months in a row, Victor couldn't sleep at night, and his thoughts were only about what he left behind in Ukraine. Now the man needs the help of a psychologist. “The alarms and sheltering in the basements were traumatic for us. Practically every day I watched the news from Ukraine, which greatly affected my psychological state. Now, however, I try to avoid this information and focus on health, because we cannot change what is happening", says Victor Strebitski. Galina Guțu, the host of the Strebitki family, at the beginning of the year returned from Italy, where she worked for more than 15 years. "I live downstairs, they live upstairs and they don't bother us. I cut down three trees in the garden for firewood and they arranged them here. To do good, to help a person in need is not a problem for me. When my grandchildren also come, they communicate together. They speak Russian and became friends", says Galina Guțu. Families from the Republic of Moldova hosting Ukrainian refugees receive financial support in the amount of 3900 lei if they host between 1 and 4 refugees and 4800 lei for families hosting 5 or more people.

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